The Greencastle-Antrim Chamber of Commerce exists to help its members thrive by promoting economic prosperity and community vitality by being the best resource for building a vibrant and prosperous community through business leadership.

The Chamber is governed by a Board of Directors composed of twelve business associates and four individuals representing the Borough of Greencastle, Antrim Township, the Greencastle-Antrim School District and the Franklin County Area Development Corporation. The G-ACC is a partner of the Cumberland Valley Business Alliance.

217 East Baltimore Street
Greencastle PA 17225

Meet our Team!

Kylie Belle Moore

Executive Director

Debby Cunningham

Administrative Assistant

Board of Directors

Executive Board

Andy Everetts, President
M&T Bank

Chris Grimm, Immediate Past President

Brad Kearns, Treasurer
SEK CPAs & Advisors

Gavin Martin, Vice President
ELM Shoes

Betsy Yumlu, Vice President
F&M Trust

Board Members

Ginger Everhart
WellSpan Health

John Frey

Dr. Lura Hanks
G-A School District Representative

Chad Murray
Antrim Township

Mike Stenger
Borough of Greencastle

Sid Shreiner
Manitowoc Cranes

Tim Stenger
Premier HVAC

Jim Windhorst
Instant Brands

Brad Graham
Antrim BIC Church


Are you interested in serving on our board or another committee?

Email or click here for a list of opportunities.